Department of Polymer and Petrochemical Engineering Vision, Mission and Objective


Preparing distinguished, scientifically and skillfully innovative competencies in the field of polymer and petrochemical technology and engineering, keeping pace with corresponding departments in reputable global universities by transforming academic university life into a productive reality that impacts community service at the local and regional levels by converting traditional laboratories into industrial production labs.


The Department of Polymer and Petrochemical Engineering strives to ensure that students learn the most important engineering concepts at each academic stage, acquiring skills related to various scientific and practical sectors, highlighting the significance of this specialization so that they can lead in conducting research and studies to transform Iraq's raw materials into products that can compete at local and regional levels.


  1. Prepare engineers specialized in polymer and petrochemical engineering, capable of understanding the relationships between the structures and properties of polymeric materials for various industrial applications.

  2. Provide distinguished academic programs that contribute to preparing productive industrial cadres capable of keeping pace with developments in the field of polymer and petrochemical industries.

  3. Prepare engineers capable of addressing and assessing weaknesses in petrochemical industries through the creation of small projects that can serve the community.

  4. Keep pace with developments in petrochemical industries at regional and global levels by periodically reviewing and reevaluating academic curricula and adopted plans.

  5. Establish strong relationships with companies, projects, and factories specializing in petrochemical industries at local, regional, and global levels to exchange expertise and obtain training opportunities for students and staff, linking academic knowledge with industrial and practical applications and developing them.

  6. Adopt a continuous improvement approach for all activities and programs at the level of academic curricula, teaching staff, scientific research, and members to ensure achieving the department's mission and objectives in accordance with quality standards (ABET program) and adopting the standards of the Association of Arab Universities to ensure quality assurance in the department.