Graduation Projects 2020-2021

Development of Foam-CO2 EOR Process in Carbonate Reservoirs

Dr Wathiq Al Muzaffar

Development of A Multi-Completion for the Gas Injection in Clastic Reservoirs

Dr Wathiq Al Muzaffar

Determine the PLT rate by temperature  and surface  rate

Msc Layal Fadel Shawy

Msc Maher Jassim Ismail

Preliminary field development plan for a new prospect in south of Iraq using tank model (material balance equation)

Msc Ali Khalaf

(Petrophysical modeling for clastic reservoir in WQ oil field)

Msc Wisam Hadi

Reservoir Description using core and well log data

Msc Wisam Hadi

Experimental study of grain size distribution on porosity and permeability

Msc Alaa

Geochemistry of water associated with oil in western Qurna  oil field , Iraq

Msc Aqbal

ZnO nanoparticles as additives to remove H2S from water based drilling fluids

Dr. Haifa