نموذج وصف المادة الدراسية



Module Information

معلومات المادة الدراسية

Module Title

Petroleum Geology and Geophysical Exploration

Module Delivery

Module Type


            ☒ Theory   

            ☒ Lecture

            ☒ Lab

            ☐ Tutorial

            ☐ Practical

            ☐ Seminar

Module Code


ECTS Credits


SWL (hr/sem)


Module Level


Semester of Delivery


Administering Department

Oil and Gas Engineering


 Oil and Gas Engineering

Module Leader




Module Leader’s Acad. Title


Module Leader’s Qualification


Module Tutor




Peer Reviewer Name




Scientific Committee Approval Date


Version Number





Relation with other Modules

العلاقة مع المواد الدراسية الأخرى

Prerequisite module




Co-requisites module










Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents

أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات الإرشادية

 Module Objectives

أهداف المادة الدراسية


To learn dynamics of earth’s structural formations and develop an

understanding of hydrocarbon reservoir formations and methods of



Module Learning Outcomes


مخرجات التعلم للمادة الدراسية

After studying this course, the learners will be able to: -

1. Understand basic principles of petroleum exploration and field


2. Describe theories, methods and applications of petroleum geology

3. Understand the principles of sedimentation and stratigraphy.

4. Solve geological problems by integrating different types of data used

in the oil industry.

5. Draw geological maps and interpret seismic sections

6. Understand the sedimentary Basins and tectonic history of Iraq

Indicative Contents

المحتويات الإرشادية

1. Geological history of petroleum.

2. The origin, migration and accumulation of petroleum.

3. Reservoirs with abnormal pressure and temperature.

4. Geological distribution of petroleum in the world.

5. Geological basins of Iraq.

6. Geology of existing oil and gas fields in Iraq.

7. Surface geological methods for petroleum exploration.

8. Use of topography and surface features for oil prospecting.

9. Modes of deformation of rocks, parts.

10. Classification of Folds, faults, joints and unconformities.

11. expression of the above features on geological field maps and

construction of cross sections.

12. Geological mapping and the application of photogrammetry.

13. Geophysical exploration methods with emphasis on seismic survey.

14. History of exploration in Iraq.

15. Principles of Stratigraphy:

16. Stratigraphy of Iraq with special emphasis on salt range.

17. Introduction to structural geology and its objectives.

18. Interpretation of pore pressure and fracture gradient profiles from

seismic data.



Learning and Teaching Strategies

استراتيجيات التعلم والتعليم


The main strategy for delivering this module is to foster active student participation in exercises, while simultaneously enhancing their critical thinking abilities. This will be accomplished through engaging classes, interactive tutorials, and the inclusion of various sampling activities and simple experiments that captivate student interest. By employing these methods, students will have the opportunity to refine their critical thinking skills and actively apply their knowledge in practical settings.


Student Workload (SWL)

الحمل الدراسي للطالب محسوب لـ ١٥ اسبوعا

Structured SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي المنتظم للطالب خلال الفصل


Structured SWL (h/w)

الحمل الدراسي المنتظم للطالب أسبوعيا


Unstructured SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي غير المنتظم للطالب خلال الفصل


Unstructured SWL (h/w)

الحمل الدراسي غير المنتظم للطالب أسبوعيا


Total SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي الكلي للطالب خلال الفصل




Module Evaluation

تقييم المادة الدراسية




Weight (Marks)

Week Due

Relevant Learning Outcome

Formative assessment



10% (10)

5 and 10

LO #1, #2 and #10, #11



10% (10)

2 and 12

LO #3, #4 and #6, #7

Projects / Lab.


10% (10)





10% (10)


LO #5, #8 and #10

Summative assessment

Midterm Exam


10% (10)


LO #1 - #7

Final Exam


50% (50)



Total assessment

100% (100 Marks)






Delivery Plan (Weekly Syllabus)

المنهاج الاسبوعي النظري


Material Covered

Week 1

Geological history of petroleum

Week 2

The origin, migration and accumulation of petroleum

Week 3

Reservoirs with abnormal pressure and temperature

Week 4

Geological distribution of petroleum in the world

Week 5

Geological basins of Iraq

Week 6

Geology of existing oil and gas fields in Iraq

Week 7

Surface geological methods for petroleum exploration

Week 8

Use of topography and surface features for oil prospecting

Week 9

Modes of deformation of rocks, parts

Week 10

Classification of Folds, faults, joints and unconformities

Week 11

expression of the above features on geological field maps

Week 12

Geological mapping and the application of photogrammetry

Week 13

Geophysical exploration methods with emphasis on seismic survey

Week 14

History of exploration in Iraq

Week 15

Principles of Stratigraphy

Week 16

Preparatory week before the final Exam


Delivery Plan (Weekly Lab. Syllabus)

المنهاج الاسبوعي للمختبر


Material Covered

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7



Learning and Teaching Resources

مصادر التعلم والتدريس



Available in the Library?

Required Texts



Recommended Texts

a. Robert J. Twiss, Eldridge M. Moores, “Structural Geology”,

2nd Edition, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2007.

b. Peter K. Link, “Basic Petroleum Geology”, Oil and Gas

Consultants International - Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2001.

c. Richard C. selley, “ Elements of petroleum geology“, 2nd

Edition, 1997

d. Richard H. Groshong, “3-D Structural Geology”, 2nd Edition,

Springer, 2008.

e. William Lowrie, “Fundamentals of Geophysics”, 2nd Edition,






                                                                     Grading Scheme

مخطط الدرجات




Marks %


Success Group

(50 - 100)

A - Excellent


90 - 100

Outstanding Performance

B - Very Good

جيد جدا

80 - 89

Above average with some errors

C - Good


70 - 79

Sound work with notable errors

D - Satisfactory


60 - 69

Fair but with major shortcomings

E - Sufficient


50 - 59

Work meets minimum criteria

Fail Group

(0 – 49)

FX – Fail

راسب (قيد المعالجة)


More work required but credit awarded

F – Fail



Considerable amount of work required







Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a mark of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT to condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the automatic rounding outlined above.