نموذج وصف المادة الدراسية



Module Information

معلومات المادة الدراسية

Module Title

Engineering Drawing

Module Delivery

Module Type


            ☒ Theory   

            ☒ Lecture

            ☒ Lab

            ☐ Tutorial

            ☐ Practical

            ☐ Seminar

Module Code


ECTS Credits


SWL (hr/sem)


Module Level

UGx11  UGI

Semester of Delivery


Administering Department

Oil and Gas Engineering


 Oil and Gas Engineering

Module Leader




Module Leader’s Acad. Title


Module Leader’s Qualification


Module Tutor




Peer Reviewer Name




Scientific Committee Approval Date


Version Number





Relation with other Modules

العلاقة مع المواد الدراسية الأخرى

Prerequisite module




Co-requisites module










Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents

أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات الإرشادية

 Module Objectives

أهداف المادة الدراسية


The objectives of this class are to introduce students to the fundamentals of engineering drawing and Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD). Students will learn about the selection and use of instruments, engineering lettering, and basic geometry concepts. They will gain an understanding of dimensioning in engineering drawings and become familiar with CAD software applications. Students will be able to create new drawings using different coordinate systems, utilize drawing commands to create shapes, and modify objects using various editing commands. They will also learn about layers, text styles, and dimensions. Additionally, students will be introduced to isometric drawing techniques and gain knowledge about plotting and printing drawings to scale.


Module Learning Outcomes


مخرجات التعلم للمادة الدراسية

Upon completion of this class, students will be able to:


  1. Understand the fundamentals of engineering drawing and the importance of precise graphical representation in engineering practice.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in using engineering drawing instruments and techniques for accurate and professional drawing.
  3. Apply appropriate lettering styles and geometric principles to create clear and legible engineering drawings.
  4. Utilize Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) software effectively to create, modify, and manipulate engineering drawings.
  5. Demonstrate competency in using CAD commands and tools for tasks such as drawing shapes, editing objects, and creating layers.
  6. Apply dimensioning principles and standards to accurately represent size and scale in engineering drawings.
  7. Create isometric drawings and understand the principles of isometric projection.
  8. Understand the concept of model space and paper space in CAD software and utilize viewports for plotting and scaling drawings.
  9. Interpret and utilize title blocks and understand the importance of proper documentation in engineering drawings.
  10. Demonstrate the ability to select appropriate plotter or printer settings and generate scaled and accurate printed copies of engineering drawings.


These learning outcomes aim to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively create and work with engineering drawings using both traditional techniques and modern CAD software.

Indicative Contents

المحتويات الإرشادية

Introduction, selection of instruments, engineering lettering, geometry, fundamentals of

dimension on engineering drawing, Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) fundamentals:

Open, (and close), CAD application, Open multiple drawings and switch between

them, Create a new drawing. Roaming facilities: Use zooming tools, Panning a

drawing, Create named views & recall them. Create new drawings: Understand &

use Absolute, Relative and Polar coordinate system, Drawing commands, Draw

rectangle, polygon, ellipse.

Modifying Commands:

Erase & oops, Copy and Move objects, Rotate, Scale,

Stretch Extend & Ofset, Mirror and array, Apply Chamfers and Fillets. Layers:

Create layers and assign properties as line weights, line types, colour, Modify status,

Modify layer attributes. Text and Dimensions: Create and set text styles with

diferent fonts, Understand the text alignment abbreviations. Isometric: Changing to

isometric mode, Switching between isoplanes (top, right & left views), Isometric

ellipses, Isometric fllets, Writing in isometric mode, Plotting: Understand between

Model and Paper space, Add a new title block, Create a viewports with diferent

scales, Select plotter/ printer, Plot all, part of drawing to scale



Learning and Teaching Strategies

استراتيجيات التعلم والتعليم



The main strategy in delivering this module is to promote active student participation and enhance their critical thinking skills. This will be accomplished through interactive classes, engaging tutorials, and practical exercises that involve hands-on experiences. By incorporating various sampling activities and experiments, we aim to make the learning process interesting and relevant to the students' needs. Through this approach, students will develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and be able to apply their knowledge effectively.


Student Workload (SWL)

الحمل الدراسي للطالب محسوب لـ ١٥ اسبوعا

Structured SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي المنتظم للطالب خلال الفصل


Structured SWL (h/w)

الحمل الدراسي المنتظم للطالب أسبوعيا


Unstructured SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي غير المنتظم للطالب خلال الفصل


Unstructured SWL (h/w)

الحمل الدراسي غير المنتظم للطالب أسبوعيا


Total SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي الكلي للطالب خلال الفصل




Module Evaluation

تقييم المادة الدراسية




Weight (Marks)

Week Due

Relevant Learning Outcome

Formative assessment



10% (10)

5 and 10

LO #1, #2 and #10, #11



10% (10)

2 and 12

LO #3, #4 and #6, #7

Projects / Lab.


10% (10)





10% (10)


LO #5, #8 and #10

Summative assessment

Midterm Exam


10% (10)


LO #1 - #7

Final Exam


50% (50)



Total assessment

100% (100 Marks)






Delivery Plan (Weekly Syllabus)

المنهاج الاسبوعي النظري


Material Covered

Week 1

Introduction to Engineering Drawing

Week 2

Selection of Instruments

Week 3

Engineering Lettering

Week 4


Week 5

Fundamentals of Dimension on Engineering Drawing

Week 6

CAD Fundamentals: Opening and Closing Applications

Week 7

CAD Fundamentals: Working with Multiple Drawings

Week 8

Creating a New Drawing

Week 9

Roaming Facilities: Zooming and Panning

Week 10

Coordinate Systems and Drawing Commands

Week 11

Basic Shapes and Modifying Commands

Week 12

Layers and Text Styles

Week 13

Introduction to Isometric Drawing

Week 14

Plotting: Model Space and Paper Space

Week 15

Advanced Drawing Techniques

Week 16

Preparatory week before the final Exam


Delivery Plan (Weekly Lab. Syllabus)

المنهاج الاسبوعي للمختبر


Material Covered

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7



Learning and Teaching Resources

مصادر التعلم والتدريس



Available in the Library?

Required Texts



Recommended Texts






                                                                     Grading Scheme

مخطط الدرجات




Marks %


Success Group

(50 - 100)

A - Excellent


90 - 100

Outstanding Performance

B - Very Good

جيد جدا

80 - 89

Above average with some errors

C - Good


70 - 79

Sound work with notable errors

D - Satisfactory


60 - 69

Fair but with major shortcomings

E - Sufficient


50 - 59

Work meets minimum criteria

Fail Group

(0 – 49)

FX – Fail

راسب (قيد المعالجة)


More work required but credit awarded

F – Fail



Considerable amount of work required







Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a mark of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT to condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the automatic rounding outlined above.