Modules Catalogue | 2023-2024 | دليل المواد الدراسية
First Cycle – Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) – Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering
بكالوريوس علوم - الهندسة الكيميائية وتكرير النفط- المرحلة الاولى
Undergraduate Courses 2023-2024
Module 1
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR101 |
Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering |
6 |
1 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
3 |
1 |
58 |
92 |
Description |
Introduction: Units, their dimensions and conversions, Dimensional consistency of equations, Dimensional and dimensionless constants, Mass and volume relations, Stoichiometric and composition relations, Excess reactants, Degree of completion, Conversion, Selectivity and Yield. Gas laws: Ideal gas law, Dalton’s Law, and Average molecular weight of gaseous mixtures. Vapor pressure: Effect of temperature on vapor pressure, Vapor pressure plot (Cox chart), Vapor pressures of miscible and immiscible liquids and solutions, Raoult’s Law and Henry’s Law. Relative Humidity and percent saturation; Dew point, Dry and Wet bulb temperatures; Use of humidity, charts for engineering calculations. |
Module 2
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR102 |
General Physics |
4 |
1 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
2 |
0 |
30 |
70 |
Description |
Dynamic physics, Energy and power laws, optics and light, electromagnetic fields, radiation, sound and vibration, application of physics in chemical Engineering. |
Module 3
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR103 |
Calculus I |
6 |
1 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
3 |
1 |
58 |
92 |
Description |
Functions, Limits, Differentiation, Integrations, Trigonometric Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Natural Logarithm Function, Exponential Function, General Logarithm Function and General Exponential Function, Hyperbolic Functions, Inverse of Hyperbolic Functions, L'Hopital's Rule. |
Module 4
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR104 |
Academic English |
3 |
1 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
2 |
2 |
30 |
45 |
Description |
English Academic writing Session, Learn how to write academic essays (4 main types of essays which are: Argumentative essay, Table and Chart Analysis Essay, Comparative Essay and Descriptive Essay) Reading Session, "B1 reading" practice to help you understand texts with every day or job-related language. Texts include articles, travel guides, emails, adverts and reviews. "B2 reading" practice to help you understand texts with a wide vocabulary where you may need to consider the writer's opinion. Texts include articles, reports, messages, short stories and reviews. Listening Session, Each lesson has a preparation task, an audio recording and two tasks to check your understanding and to practice a variety of listening skills. "B1 Listening" This section offers listening practice to help you understand the main points of clear, standard speech about every day or job-related topics. Situations include phone calls, meetings and interviews. "B2 Listening" This section offers listening practice to help you understand extended, standard speech about familiar topics that may contain complex ideas. Situations include broadcasts, reviews, presentations and lectures. Speaking Session, This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practice useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively. "B1 Speaking" Each lesson has a preparation task and a video that introduces the language in context and gives you the opportunity to listen to and repeat the useful phrases. There are also tasks to check your understanding of the video and to practice the useful language. "B2 Speaking" This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practice useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively through making individual speeches and presentations. |
Module 5
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR105 |
Arabic |
4 |
1 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
2 |
0 |
30 |
70 |
Description |
قواعد اللغه العربيه : الكلام وما يتالف منه : الاسم ، والفعل والحرف, قواعد : الفعل واقسامه ، علاماته ، الفعل الماضي, قواعد فعل الامر ، الحرف وما يتميز به , قواعد : الاعراب والبناء ، وعلاماته الاعراب ، والمثنى والملحق به ,ادب ، ونص شعري ، ودراسه وتحليل ,قواعد : جمع المذكر السالم / والملحق به ,قواعد : الملحقه بالاسماء السته , قواعد : المبتدأ والخبر ، انواع المبتدأ واحكامه ,قواعد : الخبر ، تعريفه وانواعه , املاء : قواعد كتابه الهمزة ,ادب : نص نثري . دراسه وتحليل ,قواعد : اغلاط لغويه شائعه ,املاء : قواعد كتابه الالف في نهايه الكلمة |
Module 6
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR106 |
Organic Chemistry |
5 |
1 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
2 |
3 |
72 |
53 |
Description |
Introduction to Organic Chemistry, Electron displacement effects, Organic intermediates, Types of reactions [addition, elimination and substitution reactions], General classification and identification of organic compounds, Structural characterization of organic compounds, properties, preparation (laboratory and industrial) of (Aliphatic hydrocarbons, Aromatic hydrocarbons), Alkyl halides, Alcohols, Phenols, Carboxylic acids, Amides, Ethers, Aldehydes and ketones, Asters), |
Module 7
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR107 |
Democracy and Human Rights |
2 |
1 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
2 |
0 |
30 |
20 |
Description |
مفهوم حقوق الإنسان و تطوره ، حقوق الانسان في الاديان و الشرائع السماوية( اليهودية ، المسيحية ، الاسلام)، حقوق الانسان في العصور الوسطى والحديثة والمعاصرة ، ضمانات حقوق الإنسان وحمايتها على الصعيد الوطني،أنتهاكات حقوق الانسان ( جرائم حزب البعث )، حقوق الانسان في ظل تحديات جديدة ( الارهاب ،الاتجار بالبشر، ظاهرة الفساد الإداري ، الملكية الفكرية) ، الأنظمة السياسية من حيث ممارسة السلطة ( المونوقراطية -الفردية- ، الديموقراطية ) ،مفهوم الديمقراطية و تطوره ، خصائص و مميزات الديمقراطية ، أنواع الديمقراطية ( المباشرة ، شبه المباشرة ، الديمقراطية النيابية ) ، مقومات النظام الديمقراطي |
Module 8
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR108 |
Mass and Energy Balances |
6 |
2 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
3 |
1 |
58 |
92 |
Description |
Material balances for systems with and without chemical reactions, species and elemental balance. Analysis of systems with by-pass, recycle and purge. Heat capacity of gases, liquids and solutions, Heat of fusion and vaporization; Steady state energy balance for systems with and without chemical reactions; Calculations and application of heat of reaction, combustion, formation, neutralization and solution; Enthalpy-concentration charts; Combustion of solids, liquids and gaseous fuels, Calculation of theoretical and actual flame temperatures. Degrees of freedom in steady state processes, solution of simultaneous material and energy balance problems using flow sheeting codes; Unsteady state material and energy balance. |
Module 9
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR109 |
Engineering Mechanics |
5 |
2 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
3 |
1 |
58 |
67 |
Description |
General Coplanar force systems: Basis concepts, Law of motions, principle of transmissibility of forces, Transfer of a force to parallel position, Resultant of a force system, simplest resultant of two dimensional concurrent & non concurrent force systems, free body diagrams, equilibrium & its equations, applications. Friction: Introduction, Laws of coulomb friction, equilibrium of bodies involving dry friction, belt friction, applications. Centre of gravity, centroid, and Moment of Inertia: Centroid of plane, curve, area, volume & composite bodies, moment of inertia of plane area, parallel axis theorem, perpendicular axis theorem, principal moment inertia, mass moment of inertia of circular ring, disc, cylinder, sphere and cone about their axis of symmetry. |
Module 10
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR110 |
Calculus II |
5 |
2 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
3 |
1 |
58 |
67 |
Description |
Methods of Integrations, Trigonometric Functions, Improper Integrals, Areas, Volumes of Solids of Revolutions, Lengths of Plane curves, Areas of Surfaces of Revolution, Matrices. |
Module 11
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR111 |
Introduction to computer Programming |
4 |
2 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
3 |
3 |
72 |
28 |
Description |
Introduction – Computer System Basics of computer system components and their relationships to programs. The different type of programming languages and basics of Python Interpreter. The elements of computer programming and their role in a program. The binary system and representation of programs in the memory Python data types: Usage and representation in the memory, Strings and string operations. Program Operators, assignment, ex Decisions in Python: structure and various forms of decision statement, logical operators, conditions, and nested loops. Loops in Python: structure and various loop statements, loop execution mechanism, and nested loops. Functions in Python: Function structure, parameters, built in functions, and user defined functions. Packages and classes in Python: The various packages included in Python libraries. Data Structures in Python: Arrays, Lists, and Dictionaries. Exceptions in Python: Error processing and exception handling Program Operators, assignment, ex |
Module 12
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR112 |
Engineering Drawing |
4 |
2 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
1 |
3 |
58 |
42 |
Description |
AutoCAD fundamentals: Open, (and close) AutoCAD application, Open multiple drawings and switch between them, Create a new drawing. Roaming facilities: Use zooming tools, Panning a drawing, Create named views & recall them. Create new drawings: Understand & use Absolute, Relative and Polar coordinate system, Drawing commands, Draw rectangle, polygon, ellipse. Modifying Commands: Erase & oops, Copy and Move objects, Rotate, Scale, Stretch Extend & Offset, Mirror and array, Apply Chamfers and Fillets. Layers: Create layers and assign properties as lineweights, line types, colour, Modify status, Modify layer attributes. Text and Dimensions: Create and set text styles with different fonts, Understand the text alignment abbreviations. Isometric: Changing to isometric mode, Switching between isoplanes (top, right & left views), Isometric ellipses, Isometric fillets, Writing in isometric mode, Plotting: Understand between Model and Paper space, Add a new title block, Create a viewports with different scales, Select plotter/ printer, Plot all, part of drawing to scale. |
Module 13
Code |
Course/Module Title |
Semester |
CHPR113 |
Properties of Petroleum Products |
6 |
2 |
Class (hr/w) |
Lect/Lab./Prac./Tutor |
SSWL (hr/sem) |
USWL (hr/w) |
3 |
3 |
86 |
64 |
Description |
What is Petroleum?, Differences Between Crude Oil, Petroleum Products And Petroleum, Occurrence of Petroleum, Petroleum Formation, Organic Theory (Biotic Theory), Inorganic Theory (Abiogenic/Abiotic Theory), Composition of Petroleum, Chemical Classification of Petroleum, Classification by Density, Characterization by Viscosity-Gravity Constant (vgc), Technological Classification of Petroleum, Test Methods for Petroleum Products, Specific Gravity, Specific-Gravity Bottle, Hydrometer, Viscosity , Flash Point, Calorific Value, Reid Vapour Pressure, Cloud and Pour Points, Aniline Point and Diesel Index, Gum in Motor Fuel, Sulphur, Water and Sediment, Ash Content, Carbon Residue, Distillation, Quality of petroleum products, Crude oil assay, Refinery Processes : Purpose And Definition, Fractionations of Crude oil. |