نموذج وصف المادة الدراسية



Module Information

معلومات المادة الدراسية

Module Title

Petroleum Data Analytics

Module Delivery

Module Type


            ☒ Theory   

            ☒ Lecture

            ☒ Lab

            ☐ Tutorial

            ☐ Practical

            ☐ Seminar

Module Code


ECTS Credits


SWL (hr/sem)


Module Level


Semester of Delivery


Administering Department

Oil and Gas Engineering


 Oil and Gas Engineering

Module Leader




Module Leader’s Acad. Title


Module Leader’s Qualification


Module Tutor




Peer Reviewer Name




Scientific Committee Approval Date


Version Number





Relation with other Modules

العلاقة مع المواد الدراسية الأخرى

Prerequisite module




Co-requisites module










Module Aims, Learning Outcomes and Indicative Contents

أهداف المادة الدراسية ونتائج التعلم والمحتويات الإرشادية

 Module Objectives

أهداف المادة الدراسية


The main objectives of the class "Introduction to Elementary Probability Theory and its Applications in Engineering and Sciences" are as follows:


  1. Understand the fundamental concepts of probability theory and its relevance in engineering and sciences.
  2. Develop knowledge and proficiency in analyzing discrete and continuous probability distributions.
  3. Learn techniques for parameter estimation in probabilistic models.
  4. Gain an understanding of hypothesis testing and its application in earth sciences and engineering.
  5. Apply probability theory to real-world engineering and scientific problems, enhancing problem-solving skills.
  6. Develop critical thinking and analytical reasoning abilities through the application of probability theory.
  7. Gain practical skills in utilizing probability theory for decision-making in engineering and scientific contexts.
  8. Develop a strong foundation in probability theory as a basis for further study in advanced engineering and scientific fields.


By achieving these objectives, students will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply probability theory effectively in various engineering and scientific applications.


Module Learning Outcomes


مخرجات التعلم للمادة الدراسية

Upon completion of the class, students will be able to:


  1. Understand the fundamental concepts of probability theory and its significance in petroleum engineering applications.
  2. Apply probability theory to analyze and solve problems specific to the petroleum engineering field, such as reservoir modeling, production forecasting, and risk assessment.
  3. Differentiate between discrete and continuous probability distributions and select appropriate distributions for modeling uncertainties in petroleum engineering.
  4. Utilize statistical techniques to estimate parameters of probability distributions for reservoir characterization and production data analysis.
  5. Perform hypothesis testing in the context of petroleum engineering to make informed decisions regarding reservoir behavior and production performance.
  6. Apply probability theory to assess uncertainty and risk in petroleum engineering projects, including reserve estimation and economic evaluations.
  7. Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing probability models and distributions to simulate and optimize petroleum engineering processes and operations.
  8. Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the reliability and uncertainty associated with petroleum engineering data and interpretations using probability theory.
  9. Communicate effectively about probability-related concepts, analysis results, and findings in written reports and oral presentations specific to petroleum engineering applications.
  10. Recognize the applications and limitations of probability theory in various areas of petroleum engineering, such as reservoir management, production optimization, and decision-making under uncertainty.


By achieving these learning outcomes, petroleum engineering students will have a solid foundation in elementary probability theory and its practical applications, equipping them with the necessary skills to tackle uncertainties and make informed decisions in the petroleum industry.

Indicative Contents

المحتويات الإرشادية

Introduction to elementary probability theory and its applications in engineering and sciences; discrete and continuous probability distributions; parameter estimation; hypothesis earth sciences and engineering.


Learning and Teaching Strategies

استراتيجيات التعلم والتعليم



Type something like: The main strategy that will be adopted in delivering this module is to encourage students’ participation in the exercises, while at the same time refining and expanding their critical thinking skills. This will be achieved through classes, interactive tutorials and by considering types of simple experiments involving some sampling activities that are interesting to the students.



Student Workload (SWL)

الحمل الدراسي للطالب محسوب لـ ١٥ اسبوعا

Structured SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي المنتظم للطالب خلال الفصل


Structured SWL (h/w)

الحمل الدراسي المنتظم للطالب أسبوعيا


Unstructured SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي غير المنتظم للطالب خلال الفصل


Unstructured SWL (h/w)

الحمل الدراسي غير المنتظم للطالب أسبوعيا


Total SWL (h/sem)

الحمل الدراسي الكلي للطالب خلال الفصل




Module Evaluation

تقييم المادة الدراسية




Weight (Marks)

Week Due

Relevant Learning Outcome

Formative assessment



10% (10)

5 and 10

LO #1, #2 and #10, #11



10% (10)

2 and 12

LO #3, #4 and #6, #7

Projects / Lab.


10% (10)





10% (10)


LO #5, #8 and #10

Summative assessment

Midterm Exam


10% (10)


LO #1 - #7

Final Exam


50% (50)



Total assessment

100% (100 Marks)






Delivery Plan (Weekly Syllabus)

المنهاج الاسبوعي النظري


Material Covered

Week 1

Definition of Statistics

Week 2

Univariate Statistical Analysis

Week 3

Statistical data representation

Week 4

Types of data distribution

Week 5

Cumulative Probability Function

Week 6

Bivariate Statistical Analysis

Week 7

Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Week 8

Regression Analysis (statistical modeling)

Week 9

Statistical validation tools

Week 10

Modeling and prediction

Week 11

Applications of R

Week 12

Recap and problem-solving exercises

Week 13

Final exam preparation and course summary

Week 14

Preparation for final exams (no regular class)

Week 15


Week 16

Preparatory week before the final Exam


Delivery Plan (Weekly Lab. Syllabus)

المنهاج الاسبوعي للمختبر


Material Covered

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7



Learning and Teaching Resources

مصادر التعلم والتدريس



Available in the Library?

Required Texts



Recommended Texts

Title: "Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R"

Authors: Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani

Publisher: Springer

ISBN: 978-1461471370





                                                                     Grading Scheme

مخطط الدرجات




Marks %


Success Group

(50 - 100)

A - Excellent


90 - 100

Outstanding Performance

B - Very Good

جيد جدا

80 - 89

Above average with some errors

C - Good


70 - 79

Sound work with notable errors

D - Satisfactory


60 - 69

Fair but with major shortcomings

E - Sufficient


50 - 59

Work meets minimum criteria

Fail Group

(0 – 49)

FX – Fail

راسب (قيد المعالجة)


More work required but credit awarded

F – Fail



Considerable amount of work required







Note: Marks Decimal places above or below 0.5 will be rounded to the higher or lower full mark (for example a mark of 54.5 will be rounded to 55, whereas a mark of 54.4 will be rounded to 54. The University has a policy NOT to condone "near-pass fails" so the only adjustment to marks awarded by the original marker(s) will be the automatic rounding outlined above.